
Yağmur Öztürk

Yağmur Öztürk

PhD Student in NLP
Temporary Research and Teaching Attaché (A.T.E.R.)


Replay 21-11-24 | Sortie d’amphi : Les métiers de l’enseignement Card image cap

Listen to the replay of the interview on the science page about my research on the morphology and semantics of Turkish on Radio Campus Besançon. [1h08]


About me

I am Yağmur, a PhD student in NLP and teaching assistant at the CRIT research lab in the Franche-Comté University.
You can contact me for any question you have at yagmur.ozturk@edu.univ-fcomte.fr!

Research areas

Morphosemantics, semantics, word-formation, derivational morphology, linguistic modelisation, processing based on linguistic rules, ontologies


Turkish Morphosemantics: from a theoretical description to a deconstruction tool


Izabella THOMAS, UFC


Presidency For Turks Abroad And Related Communities (YTB)

Funded by YTB (Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Tourism, Turkey), from november 2020 to november 2021.


In terms of morphological resources, Turkish turns out to be an underresourced language in a Natural Language Processing and linguistic perspective. There are not enough exhaustive resources that systematically describe Turkish derivational morphology, especially from a semantic aspect. The research aims to describe Turkish derivational morphology, limited to the scope of noun-to-noun derivation. Based on the hypothesis that word formation rules can be systematically described at both semantic and formal levels, our goal is to:

From an applicative point of view, our goal is to create extendible and interoperable resources for various tasks related to NLP and linguistics, such as: This approach, based on the establishment of a repertoire of meanings, could be possibly extended to various word-class morphemes and/or other languages that do not have such kinds of tools.