Scientific events and associations

Scientific Events

TEDonnées 2024 Échanger et innover : les SHS à l’horizon du numérique
Co-organiser of the event
Third edition of Emerging techniques of data (Techniques Emergentes des Données) that will take place April 12, 2024 at MSHE Ledoux (Besançon) - TEDonnées 2024

Fête de la Science - October 2023
Laboratory stand - presentation of Turkish derivational morphology in a science popularisation perspective

PhD students, welcoming session - October 2023
Contribution to session with a presentation on the procedures for fundings and missions during the doctoral program

🎓Doctorat, docto... WHAT ? Témoignages en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Contribution to a video on doctoral program

HackaTAL 2023 Hackathon of TALN in Natural Language Processing
2nd place in the team ranking
Participation to HackaTAL 2023 on June 5 & 6, 2023 at Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence, Paris - HackaTAL link

Séminaire de survie pour doctorants et jeunes chercheurs Parcous, démarches, pratiques
Co-organiser of the doctoral formation
First edition of the survival seminars, April 26, 2023, at C.R.I.T. (Besançon) - Survival Seminar

TEDonnées 2022 Fake News et crédibilité de l'information publique : le regard des technologies de la langue
Co-organiser of the event
Third edition of Emerging techniques of data (Techniques Emergentes des Données) that took place April 1, 2022 at MSHE Ledoux (Besançon) - TEDonnées 2022

FinCausal 2020 Financial Document Causality Detection
Participation to the setting up of the Shared Task
Presented in the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'2020) - FinCausal 2020
For more information on the annotation process and data processing see : Mariko D., Labidurie E., Ozturk Y., Akl H.A. & de Mazancourt H. (2020). Data Processing and Annotation Schemes for FinCausal Shared Task arXiv:2012.02498 [cs CL]

TEDonnées 2018 Smart cities and language technologies
Co-organiser of the event
Second edition of Emerging techniques of data (Techniques Emergentes des Données) November 16, 2018 at MSHE Ledoux (Besançon) - TEDonnées 2018


Member of the Board Of Directors
Former President of the ThèsEnvies Association from 2021 to 2022

UB link

Member of the Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues (ATALA)

Member of the Association of Union des Turcs de France (UTF)