

Morphological Resources for the Study of Turkish Derived Nouns - October 2023
Fourth Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo 2023), Dubrovnik, Croatia
Slides and full paper

Defining a Framework for Semantic Categories for Turkish Nominal Morphemes - September 2023
Fourth Internationl Symposium of Morphology (ISMo 2023), ATILF laboratory, Université de Lorraine & CNRS, Nancy, France
Abstract and slides

Building an Ontology of Semantic Categories for Turkish Derivational Morphemes - August 2023
21st International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Organiser son travail : une introduction à Notion ;
Trouver des appels à communication et soumettre des publications - April 2023
Séminaire de survie pour doctorants et jeunes chercheurs - first edition, UFC

Building linguistic resources: from a linguistic description to a CALL tool - November 2022
Doctoral Seminar of C.R.I.T. - second series, UFC
Program and Abstracts

Semantic categories for Turkish derivational morphemes - June 2022
Word-Formation Theories VI & Typology and Universals in Word-Formation V Conference -
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia, Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts and SKASE (Slovak Association for the Study of English)
Conference website

Morphological data extraction from a corpus of nouns in Turkish - May 2022
Student Conference on Linguistics 2022 - 4th annual conference, Boğaziçi University Link SCOL'22

Building resources to study Turkish morphology - March 2022
Theories and linguistic data Seminar, INALCO Abstract (in French)

Comparative morphosemantics of French and Turkish - February 2022
Centre Tesnière Seminar, UFC

Definition, modelisation and issues in morphology : a comparative study of Turkish and French - April 2021
Centre Tesnière Seminar, UFC


Öztürk Y., Thomas I. & Gadjeva S. (2023). Morphological Resources for the Study of Turkish Derived Nouns. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo 2023), 89–98. Dubrovnik, Croatia: Croatian Language Technology Society.

Mariko D., Labidurie E., Ozturk Y., Akl H.A. & de Mazancourt H. (2020). Data Processing and Annotation Schemes for FinCausal Shared Task. arXiv:2012.02498 [cs.CL]

Ozturk Y. (2019). Le complément du nom en turc : étude linguistique, formalisation, implémentation. Master's thesis, supervised by Izabella Thomas and Snejana Gadjeva. Université de Franche-Comté.


Domain Knowledge Learning Techniques for Natural Language Processing - US Patent No. 11,210,473 - Patent date: December 28, 2021
Inventors: Mariko D., Ozturk Y. & de Mazancourt H.
Assignee: Yseop SA