Current Teaching
- 🎓 Introduction to Natural Language Processing – Tutorial, 2nd year Bachelor's in English LLCER
Introduction to fundamental NLP concepts: tokenization, lemmatization, stemming, POS tagging, Named Entity Recognition, regular expressions, data and corpora in NLP, through online applications.
- 🎓 Linguistic Theories and NLP – Lecture and Tutorial, 3rd year Bachelor's in English LLCER
Exploration of linguistic theories applied to NLP: structuralism, dependency grammars, syntactic and semantic models, introduction to morphology, and introduction to algorithmics.
- 🎓🎓 Structured Documents and Corpus Analysis – Lecture and Tutorial, Master's 1 in NLP
Handling structured data (XML, CSV, JSON) and linguistic and statistical corpus analysis techniques in Python.
- 🎓🎓🎓 Specialized Languages – Lecture and Tutorial, Master's 2 in NLP
Theoretical and applied study of specialized languages and their automatic processing in specialized corpora.
- 🎓🎓🎓 Knowledge Modeling and Representation – Lecture and Tutorial, Master's 2 in NLP
Design of ontologies and knowledge bases: structuring, reasoning and inference, interoperability, and NLP applications.
Past Teaching
- 💾 Introduction to Programming for NLP – Lecture, 2nd year Bachelor's in English LLCER
Introduction to programming basics applied to NLP in Python.
- 🔍 Information Retrieval and Extraction – Lecture and Tutorial, Master's 1 in NLP and Master's 2 in Discourse Analysis (joint course)
Information extraction methods, search engines, textual data analysis, and text mining.
- 📂 Semantic Information Management – Tutorial, Master's 1 in NLP
Advanced techniques for structuring and managing semantic data for information organization and retrieval, including OAI-PMH repositories.
- 💾 Memory and Software: Programming Techniques 2 – Lecture and Tutorial, Master's 1 in NLP
Object-Oriented Programming in Python, with applications in NLP.
- 📊 Corpus Processing – Lecture and Tutorial, Master's 1 in NLP
Techniques for preprocessing, annotating, and analyzing linguistic corpora.
Research supervising
- ATES Helin, "Traitement des messages des réseaux sociaux pour analyser l’évolution de la langue française et les tendances linguistiques contemporaines chez les jeunes en France", in collaboration with Iana Atanassova, UFC
- LONGUEPEE Corentin, "Analyse comparative de traductions humaines et de traductions automatiques", in collaboration with Izabella Thomas, UFC
- PARKHOMENKO Veronika, "La détection et l'analyse des néologismes en Russe", in collaboration with Izabella Thomas, UFC
- PEGUET Marc-Antoine, "Étude de la morphosémantique du russe : élaboration d'un dictionnaire numérique des suffixes permettant la formation des substantifs à partir d’un substantif russe", in collaboration with Izabella Thomas, UFC
- BENISCHKE Leonie, "Machine Translation of Diminutives and Augmentatives from Spanish to German"
- MONTAY Fany, on Finnish derivational morphology, in collaboration with Iana Atanassova and Nicolas Gutehrlé, UFC